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  LabelRIGHT™ Ultimate for Windows


LabelRIGHT Ultimate is our powerful award winning bar code printing and advanced label design software. LabelRIGHT allows you to easily design your own custom labels or to print labels as required by your customers! From simple designs to very complex labels, LabelRIGHT offers the most powerful labeling program available at such a low price. It now prints to more Windows based printers including brand new support for thermal transfer bar code printers. LabelRIGHT Ultimate will also print faster than other bar coding programs and works with Windows 11, 10, 8, & 7.

LabelRIGHT includes standard, for no additional cost, all of the label design tools, full printing capability, including to local or network based printers, dozens of pre-defined sample templates or label designs, special label automation tools, BarFont™ tools, expanded graphic export & import functions, an exclusive Excel® printing plug-in, and special database sorting tool for Excel - everything for only £239 / €299

LabelRIGHT for Windows

click to see larger image
click to see larger image
click to see larger image

  LabelRIGHT Ultimate Overview

  • Any format or size label LabelRIGHT Ulitmate
  • Over 25 Standard Bar Code Formats Supported
  • 2-Dimensional Codes: PDF-417, GS1-DataBar, DataMatrix, QR, & MaxiCode
  • Scalable Text Fonts 3-375 points
  • Many Serialization Options
  • Dozens of Templates provided for special formats
  • Print directly from Excel
  • Unlimited fields per label
  • TrueType and Postscript font support
  • BarFont Tools now included
  • Multiple bar code densities
  • design using metric or inches
  • Variable line and box thickness
  • Portrait or Landscape Printing
  • Import graphics - BMP, JPEG, TIFF
  • Export Label Designs to PDF, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, or PNG
  • Any number of columns and rows
  • Import CSV, TXT, ASCII or any Excel data files
  • Powerful Excel Plug-In to print directly from a spreadsheet
  • Database print control using Excel
  • Thermal Transfer Support & Fonts (203dpi, 300dpi)
  • Compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8, & 7 - 32bit or 64bit
  • No Separate Design or Printing Versions - One Low Price for everything!
  • Complete Package Only £239 / €299

  LabelRIGHT Ultimate Details

The design interface takes full advantage of Windows facilities to give you a viewable label on the screen as you design it with pull down menus or the short cut tool bar. Bar Codes, Text, Lines, Boxes, Circles, Rotations, Colors, Imported Images, and even multiple types of bar code in multiple densities are easily specified and placed anywhere . Tools for Page Overlay, Grids, Snap Grids, Cut, Paste, Copy, Undo, Zoom, Custom Tabs, Rulers, and a field status line all make the label design powerful but simple. There is an extensive help system to answer any questions along with a tutorial as needed. With LabelRIGHT Ultimate you will be able to design very complex labels quickly and easily and then save them to disk for later retrieval and printing.

.LabelRIGHT Ulitmate



Excel Print Add-In & Data Management Tools


LabelRIGHT Ultimate for Windows is the only software on the market that offers the ability to print straight from any Excel spreadsheet! Simply design your label template in LabelRIGHT, then go to your worksheet in Excel and link up the columns to the corresponding fields on your label - you can even specify different quantities for each label all from within your worksheet!

Excel Add-In

You can also manage and maintain lists, multiple label data sets, and/or a database of labels that need to be printed in Excel and mark them for printing using the plug-in. These label database features are very powerful, because you can use all of the sorting and marking features that are built into Excel instead of relying on a standalone data management tool.


Thanks for the help!
Dan Hughes



LabelRIGHT Ultimate also includes a very powerful label automation & printing tool called LabelPrompts. This allows you to create a series of questions, or prompts, that allow a user to fill in the data required for a label and template. You can specify which fields are updateable and also create a Shortcut Icon that will launch LabelRIGHT and only show the Prompts necessary to create a label. This is great for shop floor use and to automate any labeling job. You can even use it with serialization.

  • Shipping Labels
  • Shelf Tags
  • Box Labels
  • Compliance Labels
  • Warning Labels
  • Pallet Labels
  • Storage Labels
  • Name Tags
  • Asset Tags
  • Serial Numbers
  • UPC Product Bar Codes
  • Packaging Artwork with Bar Codes
  • Catalogs & Catalog Pages
  • Route Accounting Sheets
  • Custom Scanning Menus for Job Cost or Test Reporting
  • Large Text Labels with Eye Readability at Several Hundred Feet
  Special Industry Formats Included  
  • Volvo, GM, Mercedes, VW, Renault, Fiat, Ford, etc.
  • AIAG B-2 Vehicle Identification
  • AIAG B-2 Unit Packaging
  • GM 1724 (gm1724-a, gm1724-b, gm1724-c)
  • AIAG B-5 Primary Metals
  • AIAG B-3 Shipping Parts/Identification
  • AT&T, AMP, TRW · Chrysler unit labels
  • EIA Shipping Labels
  • UCC 128 & Retail Standards
  • HIBC Marking
  • ISSN
  • ISBN Bookland
  • USA MIL-STD 129 (Cargo, Exterior, Intermediate, Unit Rev 4)
  • USA MIL-STD-130
  Bar Codes Supported  
  Standard 1D Bar Codes:
  • Code 39
  • Full ASCII Code 39
  • GS1 DataBar Variants
  • EAN-8
  • EAN-13
  • ISSN (EAN-13 Variant)
  • ISBN-13 - Bookland
  • Code 128
  • UCC-128 Shipping Container
  • UCC-128 Serial Shipping Container
  • UPC Shipping Container
  • UCC/EAN-128 - GS1-128
  • Interleaved 2 of 5
  • Code 93
  • MSI/Plessey
  • Codabar
  • UPC-A
  • UPC-E & UPC-E1
UPC-ACode 39

2-Dimensional 2D Bar Codes:

  • PDF-417
  • DataMatrix 2D
  • MaxiCode
  • RSS-14
  • QR
Specialty Codes:
  • ZIP+4 - Postnet
  • OCR Text
  • ISBN OCR Text
  Powerful Font Support  

Print labels with fully scalable text from 3 to 375 points in height (that's over 5 inches high) in landscape or portrait orientation. Any font you have installed with Windows® can be used with LabelRIGHT Ultimate; plus it comes with hundreds of TrueType and Postscript bar code fonts plus several specialty fonts and OCR fonts. Text Fonts can be rotated in any orientation from 0-360 degrees. Bar Code Fonts can be printed at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degree rotations. You can mix different rotations, colors, sizes and densities all on the same label.

  BarFont™ Tools  

Our BarFont software tools are now included with LabelRIGHT Ultimate. BarFont allows you to insert complex bar codes into other applications using the TrueType and Postscript fonts that come with LabelRIGHT. You can place these accurate bar codes in Word® documents, Excel spreadsheets, or use them in publishing programs like QuarkXpress®, Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe Illustrator®. BarFont ToolsAny Windows based program that uses fonts can now include bar codes using our BarFont tools.

The BarFont Translator Tool will make accurate barcodes in these other applications and include the correct check digits, interleaving and subsets as required by the particular bar code specifications. You just provide the text string to the Translator and it will provide the correct string to produce a perfect bar code that can be placed in other applications that use fonts.

There is also the powerful BarFont sequencer tool for Excel that allows you to convert an entire row of a spreadsheet to be a bar code instead of text. The tool will include a check digit and the correct coding depending on the bar code type you choose. This works great for catalog printing and even menu and inventory functions from within Excel. Click Below to see a screen shot of a converted worksheet column using the BarFont Sequencer.

Excel Sequencer

  Import of Images  

For logos, product images, and symbols, LabelRIGHT Ultimate includes the ability to import and print JPEG, BMP, TIFF and other files. These images can be photos, line drawings, symbols, company logos, icons, warning symbols, or any other design you want.


  Export Images Files of Label Designs  

LabelRIGHT Ultimate includes the ability to export the label design, or template, to a graphics file including many of the most popular file formats: PDF, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, or PNG. These images can be fine tuned and are output at the dpi settings of your printer. High quality PDF pages for proofs are supported as well as individual high quality single bar code images, or images with multiple bar codes depending on your template - All of these exported images can then be used by other applications.


  All Sizes of label stock  

LabelRIGHT Ultimate allows formatting one label in the top left corner that can be horizontally and vertically replicated, creating an entire page of labels from one label definition. Each individual label can vary in data content with auto-incremented data, plus data read from an ASCII text file or data from an Excel worksheet.

LabelRIGHT Form Screen

  External Data File Input  

Data to be printed can be specified on the label design screen or data can be entered from a file created by Notepad, Word, Excel, etc., or even downloaded from your mainframe. ASCII, TXT, and CSV file input is supported. Plus using the Excel Plug-In you can use Excel's excellent data handling to convert just about any data file or database file and then print it quickly in LabelRIGHT Ultimate.

  System Requirements  

PC Intel® Pentium® compatible CPU Running Windows 11, 10, 8, or 7 with 55 MB of free disk space. LabelRIGHT Ultimate for Windows is only £239 / €299 per single user license*.

*The LabelRIGHT software license is valid for one user to use on one CPU. Persons, or companies, with multiple CPU's (including network users), who use multiple copies of this program must purchase that many corresponding licenses.

All prices shown are EXCLUSIVE of VAT. All of the product(s) are shipped from our USA Headquarters and VAT is not calculated or added at checkout - VAT may be added to your customs and import charges by our shipper FedEx. Please provide us with your VAT and EORI number during checkout to insure proper handling of these charges.

  LabelRIGHT for Windows® Pricing
Part Number
LabelRIGHT Ultimate for Windows Label Printing Software

LabelRIGHT Ultimate
LabelRIGHT Ultimate for Windows

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