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  Scanning Automobile VIN & WMI Bar Codes

Every automobile built in the last 20 years has a World Manufacturer Identifier code (WMI) or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) in bar code format somewhere on the vehicle. Most makes of automobiles have the VIN bar code on the inside of the driver's door or on the dash under the windshield. Dashboard bar codes are particularly hard to read for most bar code readers because the bar code must be read through the windshield of the car.


Worth Data provides special support for reading the VINs, including through the windshield. Our readers also allow suppressing the "I" on VINs.

Which Reader should I use?
Our LT5100 TriCoder with a built in laser has special support for reading the VIN. This special support accomplishes two objectives:

  1. Reading of all VINs, including reading those through the windshield.

  2. Support to allow entry of the VIN to any software as keyed data after the bar code has been scanned away from the computer (in the lot) with the TriCoder. The scanned bar code is saved in the memory of the reader. The person doing the scanning can then return to the computer and transmit the VIN directly into whatever software package is being used, being sure the correct screen and cursor position is ready for the data transfer.

Who needs to read the VIN number?
Repair shops, body shops, and car dealers can enjoy the speed and accuracy of VIN bar code scanning. Most parts ordering and lookup are all based on the VIN. Getting the VIN copied onto paper and then keyed into the software correctly is very difficult due to the ease of transposition and misreading of a zero for the letter "O". By scanning the bar code, the accuracy is assured the first time, so parts lookup and completion of the new customer data becomes faster and easier. Repeat customers are accurately and quickly identified. With the speed and accuracy of scanning bar code VINs, significant increases in shop productivity can be realized.

How would I use the TriCoder to scan VIN numbers?
Go out to the cars on the lot. Scan all the cars you wish, one by one. Come back to the computer, attach the TriCoder its USB cable, and the upload the VINs one by one as though the data were keyed, all under your control of time and location on the screen. This allows you to input the first VIN to one work order, finish the work order, and then input the second VIN scanned into the next work order, etc.

Click here for more information on the TriCoder Portable Scanners


If you have questions or need advice, feel free to call or Email Us with your questions or concerns.


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